Thursday, October 15, 2009

Guess Who Just Turned 3????

Well my baby girl just turned 3 on October 6th. She is such a joy in our family.She talks like she is going on 15 and that is pretty scary. She loves to color, play with playdough and play with her dolls and stuffed animals. She is very much a girly girl and loves to change her clothes about ten times a day. She also loves to layer one outfit on top of another. She is very much a Daddy's girl and spoiled by her big brothers. She loves for her Daddy to throw her up in the air. She is such a great big sister to Luke and loves to play with him and laugh with him. It is so fun to listen to her play peek-a-boo with him. She loves to play with Thunder and he loves to follow her around. I know that my life would be very boring if I wasn't cleaning up after her all day and washing more clothes than need be but what else do I have to do with my time??:)We love you REBEKAH!!!!!Happy 3rd Birthday!


Channynba said...

She is so beautiful....Happy Birthday Rebecca.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie!

Beckey said...

Happy Birthday Rebekah!!! Jeri, she is such a cutie! I can't believe how long her hair is! That is how Maddie was...she was 3 and her hair was down her back! I wish Halle's would grow a little!

Hope all is well for you guys! Give Becka a hug! I wish Halle and Becka could hang out! : (

Papa and Nana said...

Just can't believe Bekah is 3 yrs old and what a sweetheart too!! We love you very much and your brothers too!!!!

Papa and Nana said...

Just can't believe Bekah is all of 3 yrs old!!!...and so cute too. I wonder if she takes after her parents???!!!!! I'll think more about that one.....just kidding!
Happy Birthday, Princess!!!!!

Karlee said...

You didn't just say three! Holy Cow! I can still very clearly remember the day she was born... and what a cute little newborn she was! She always has been such a little beauty! Where does the time go? Don't EVER cut her hair! Just a trim! She must take after her mama with the full, thick, pretty hair! Actually Ry has nice hair too doesn't he! Miss you guys lots!

WCreativeDesigns said...

Happy Birthday Bekah, Kaylee wants us to get on a plane and come visit. I wish we could tomorrow. Miss you guys.

Walters Family said...

She is such a doll!!! Girls are fun! Happy Birthday Bekah!

Alena said...

Happy late birthday! She is so darling. I could never get sick of wathcing her. Thanks for posting. Alena

Kimberly said...

Oh sweet little Bekah!! She is so funny and a gorgeous little girl. I miss hearing her singing around the house and watching the boys play with her. Just love you guys!

Hope Rebekah had a wonderful birthday!! :)