Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ryan and Jeri Cruise for 15 yr Wedding Anniversary

 Ryan Relaxing in the shade:)
 Tyra and Matt
 Ryan and I with Mickey
 St Maarten-View from our room

 Read the sign then look at the piture below. It was so close!!!!

 Dinner on pirate night
 St. Thomas-View from our room
 Tyra and I after Underwater Sea Helmet Dive!!
 Ryan and I after dive
 Guess who would have loved this, yep Jared!!
 Ryan and Matt snorkling at Castaway Cay

 Wow isn't he Handsome!!!!!
 Castaway Cay

 Our room server made awesome sculptures out of blankets!!!
 Luke getting his surprise when we got home
 Rebekah with her getup
 Jared and there is his iguana

Erik doesn't he look surprised

Well Ryan and I were so lucky to be able to go on a Disney Cruise with my cousin Tyra and her husband Matt. We went to St. Maarten, St. Thomas and Disney's Castaway Cay!!!!What a wonderful, stressfree week we had. We are so greatful to Nana and Papa and the Wedikinds for watching our kids so we could take some much needed time for the 2 of us. What an amazing week and I want to do it again really, really, really soon!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Karlee said...

That looks ilke a really fun trip!! You guys look as good as ever. You are so skinny Jeri! We need to get together really soon. We really miss you all!!!