Thursday, February 26, 2009

Winter fun in Colorado

Well the Binghams have been having fun checking out our new home in Colorado. We went to the Denver Aquarium and had a blast. We saw all sorts of marine life. Rebekah had a little breakdown in the middle of the Aquarium because she wanted to see an animated Gorilla and Ryan thought she was saying Koala and there was not a Koala anywhere to be found. When we finally figured out what she was telling us life was so much better for our cute little 2 year old. Erik just finished Basketball season and loved it. He is about to turn 11 in 2 months and I just keep thinking how did he get so tall and so smart. He is growing way to fast for me. He is going to be taller than me in no time:( Jared is getting excited for soccer to start. He had a valentines activity at school and I took Bekah and Luke and we had lunch with Jared. The 3rd graders had a salad bar to share with their parents and it was alot of FUN. Jared wore a shirt to school that said "Don't make me do the Valentines Dance!" Well guess who did the Dance a million times that day! I warned him but he insisted on the sign. Rebekah is getting so big and her hair is growing sooooo long. She is so busy and into everything. I can't turn around without cleaning up something. We had a little incident with the dog and poor little Thunder looked like he was in shock. Rebekah got the tub of butter off the kitchen counter and decided that Thunder needed a hairdo. I wish I would have been in the frame of mind to take a picture but I just kept thinking that now the dog needed a bath and the carpet needed to be cleaned and Rebekah needed to be in time out. Not one of our better days!! It seems I turn my back for a minute and she is either changing her clothes or putting on my mascara. Luke is now 5 months old and my chubby little buddy. He is so cute and I just love his smile. His chubby little hands are grabbing for everything. Ryan has been winter camping with the Scouts. He is also busy with his calling and work. He is such an awesome DAD!!!! He is always trying to find time to spend with the kids doing something productive and also playing with them. We had a visit from Nana and Papa on different weekends recently and loved every minute of it. As for me I am loving being home with my kids even though some days are not so great and I am learning how to be a patient mom:) At least I hope I am.


Walters Family said...

Wow... I can't believe how fast time is going by. Erik is sooooo big and tall. He just looks so much older than I remember him. I think Erik was Jared's size, Jared was Bekah's... etc.. we haven't seen you for a while. Bekah looks so much like you... I know I have said that a million times. I just remember you so much at her age. Luke, oh my gosh, he is soooo cute, so dang cute. You look great, Jeri. Ryan is sounds like he is doing great with his work, etc. I love catching up with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are staying busy! And it sounds like I am going to be equally as busy in a few weeks with a two year old and an infant! It always amazes me how fast the mind of a two year old works. Your kids are so cute! Miss you guys!!!

The Whites said...

Hi Bingham's, How are things going. I can't believe how big Luke is already getting and we haven't even had a chance to meet him yet. The kids all look great as well as you and Ryan. We miss you.

The Whites said...
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