I thought I would add a few pics of what we have been up to lately. Jared had his field day at school and had a blast he also just finished soccer and loved it. The clothes were soaking wet! They had to put them on then run to the other player and take them off.
Ok so not the most flattering picture of me but look at that cute little girl with the cherries on her swimsuit!!!!
Erik has not been able to participate in much but is trying really hard to stay off his leg. The 5th graders had a celebration at the REC center yesterday so Erik stayed home with me and we went to the park for playgroup and then went shopping for new shorts for summer. You all know how fast he grows:}. Well this is his last week in elementary school:( I can't believe he will be in Middle School. Sad for me but fun for him.
Well Rebekah has found a new love. (LIP STUFFS). Oh my goodness hold onto your hats this girl is all girl. She love putting on any lip stuff she can find and it is usually in my purse. I finally broke down and bought her some from walmart for 98 cents and she is constantly asking me if I want some. I just love her to pieces. She has also been asking her daddy to take her swimming so while my mom was here last weekend we took just her to the pool and she loved it.
Ok so not the most flattering picture of me but look at that cute little girl with the cherries on her swimsuit!!!!
Luke has finally turned over on his own but is reluctant to try it again. He is such a fun baby. He is laughing and smiling all the time. He loves his bed for nap time and take very good naps which I love. I just have to try cleaning my house while he is sleeping otherwise it doesn't get done. Anyone else feel that way???? He is trying to get some teeth in so he has been a little cranky. But for the most part he love to play in his excersaucer and loves to sit up on his own. Oh how I love this kid. Look at those cheeks.
Hey Sheree does he remind you of anyone?????
Ok so I can't forget the last addition to the family. Thunder is about 5 lbs if that and is a good dog. He loves the kids and is pretty good at not barking unless the neighbors dogs are out. This is our Thunder the Wonder!!!